Been really busy filling orders and trying to get my own gear in line for the beach ride. The unique nature of the trip calls for a lot of gear tinkering and since I want to not be as miserable as I was on Unimak.
The bike, rack added, disk up front, 22-20,22 gearing (yes 1:1!). Still have to take off the 30 t and put something more sacrificial as a bash guard.

Water proof camera case and bear spray bungee..

Hardrocks with mini-gaiters sewn on:

Dry bags and Dry bag & padded video camera case (stoked about this one!):

New Extension for my pack, the old 1.1oz Silnylon one died after 2 years and an encounter with a ski edge. This one should last much longer. Pack weight is only 23 oz without the frame sheet and lid which I'm not bringing:

Saving the best for last - The Malden windpro Fleece Ninja hoodie:

On another note I picked up some side work the last few days working as an assistant - safety for a commercial on the Mat Glacier. It was crazy. Euro clients with lots of money, Model / Actresses from L.A. $100,000 packpacks with motion picture lenses in them. Fun, hectic work for sure... Mt. Everest in Alaska..