Sunday, January 27, 2008

Salt Lake

A whirlwind couple of days at the Outdoor retailier show in SLC. Need to sleep and de-tox. The OR show is quite a scene, its every big outdoor gear manufacturer and 100's of smaller ones trying to show their goodies so that retailiers set up wholesale accts and buy stuff. The ammount of work that goes into this thing is immense - some booths cost as much I'm guessing as a decent sized house in anchorage... It was quite a festive trip with non-stop adventures with the B.S, Zeena and the W.J. Got to meet up with good friends that I hadent seen in a while. No good pics again - they dont like that sort of thing...

In the end I made some good contacts and got some good ideas and material contacts for hi-tech goodness and got some serious schwag...

It was a very busy few days prior to the show, finally got the super twinkie factory going and made some uber-suppa-warm poggies for Mike C.


carlhutch said...

Hey Eric
I dont mind if his are warmer then mine,just dont give him the tampon and lip gloss pocket.

Eric said...

too late...

Dave said...

Damn funny stuff Carl.