Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Hillside singletrack

Finally got out and rode the new trails the STA built this summer. I had pangs of guilt for not being involved like before. Janice and crew did an incredible job. An enormous THANK YOU!

Anyway loaded up pugs and left home at like 5:00, it was 20 degrees. I wanted to get up to the upper trails the fastest way possible so up Chester creek, up the road, south Bivy, up Spencer loop, push up gorge trail to Prospect dodging moose. then the fun began...

Swoopy is the word that comes to mind, rarely do the trails straight line. They tried to fit in allot of trail and loops in a relatively small area so the trails are flowing and kinda techy. A few inches of packed snow added to the bliss.. so basically lost on the loops the twilight faded and ended up back up in the Prospect heights I got out my headlamp and ate a 3 year old almond snickers, perfect for a first descent of the advanced loop. fun! finished it off by riding Brown bear - tour trail back to downtown. Great to get in a long night ride. tis the season.


EscortRacer said...

Sounds like too much fun!

Sacred Rivers said...

Looks amazing! I wanna go night mtn. bike riding!