Vik Posted this link about a couple that just did a tour up along a similar route Dan and I did in 2000. Their photos are awesome. Makes me totally want to head back to that part of the world - like right now!
I almost think I recognize one of the people in traditional dress in Leh...

On a totally separate note, I turned 32 yesterday, hooray for getting older! sorta..
Happy Birthday Eric!
Wow great photos Eric....do you have any info on your trip online?
BTW - happy birthday!
yeah, we had this website and it still exists, through Dan's photo page.
it took that shape since we got sponsors and to try to sell photos...
Cool thanks...I'm expecting a big chunk of time off in the next year or two and India is one place I'm quite keen on cycling in. I've been there on foot/train etc..but I like to go back with my own transport and see the bits between the major stops in more detail.
Happy birthday Eric...I've got you by 10...errr wait...almost 11 years so don't use that OLD word. You're only --- when you are afraid to fall down.
Hope you had a good day. Cheers.
Happy birthday!
What'd you do to celebrate?
slept till 10:00 sewed all day and threw a party. good stuff.
Hey Eric,
Did you fly into Delhi and take a train up to the mtns? Any logistical tips or advice for such a trip that isn't just common sense?
happy birthday eric.
i'm back in AK and thinking about winter... mostly about how much i wish it weren't winter already.
i'll call or email soon to further discuss that sled cover
Happy Birthzday!!!Fetch me now!!!! yay!
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