It was a little crazy there, and I just didnt feel like dealing with gear or biking or maintance. So decided to wait for a buss heading east to Pedro Ruiz which is sort of a crossroads town. It was a big mistake as I spent most ofthe day waiting for this crappy buss, then we get onthe road at like 4pm and its beautiful out and a nice paved road through beautiful country, so I was kickingmy self of that one.. anyway its dark at past 8 by the time I get to pedro Ruiz, the guys get my bike off the roof and the guy also hads me a pedal... so from the bouncing and slamming up there somehow a snap ring popped loose and the pedal body came off the spindle..I couldnt believe it! I set off to try to fix it,luckly the ring was still in the pedal body, but Ineeded a small pin spanner to reassemble the thing. Miraciously there was actually a bike shop intown and since everything stays open till 10 it seems it was no problem and I was a hit with the 15 and 20yr old girls running the show. So pedal fixed good. no more busses ever!
Today it was nice out and I rode up this canyon for several hours, very off the beaten track and little other traffic. It changed quickly from a tropical area to an arid one and well, then I ran out of water! The canyon was awesome though, like the narrows of the Poudre for alot of it with a brown whitewater around every corner. Reached a road junction up to Chachapoyas and bought some water where a beautiful new paved road had been built and I spent the next few hours grinding up trying to get to town which never seemed to come! anyway Its a nice little town up around 7500´ so nice to be a little higher again andnot worried about the mosquitos (which I never saw anyway...)
I´m going to stock up here on food for the next few days until Leyambamba and that big pass. The knee is bothering me but not too bad, I was able to ice it a the place I´m staying so that was good.babble babble internet is .30 cents an hour here so babbble I will... nice to have a day of no rain and sun, hot and dry!

Area near Chachapoyas (Posted by Laura)
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